Membership Application Page

Peace Together


Membership Application

1. Any person, a member of the PCUSA or not, may become a member of the Presbyterian Peace Network for Korea (PPNK) as long as they agree with and supports its purpose and mission statement (on right/below in smartphone).

2. A member supports PPNK by paying an annual membership donation* of $30.

3. Members are encouraged to maintain active participation in the life and work of PPNK to carry out the mission of the network.

4. PPNK members will work in good faith with each other, towards realizing PPNK’s goals.

* If you are able to contribute more, please do so. If you do not have a regular income, we can find creative ways to help you contribute over time.


“The Presbyterian Peace Network for Korea strives to contribute to current efforts to reconcile all sides of the Korean conflict through peaceful means.”

Mission Statement

We are a diverse group of people, many of whom belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) who share a common commitment to work for peace in the Korean peninsula. We are inspired to action regarding peace on the Korean peninsula because we have been deeply moved by accounts of the traumatic experiences and painful circumstances that national division has caused for those living on either side of the Korean divide as well as those living in the Korean diaspora. We recognize the complexity of how the Korean War and its legacies have been understood and experienced, as many of us also struggle to fully comprehend the situation and our nation’s role in it. We seek to increase the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) community’s understanding of the Korean War particularly as it relates to the U.S.A.

Therefore, we formed the PPNK to provide a space for discernment, education, reconciliation, and advocacy for dealing humanely with both the past and the ongoing conflict. Our purpose is to contribute to current efforts that seek to (1) reconcile opposing parties to help resolve ongoing conflicts on the Korean peninsula; (2) help the two states of Korea move towards peaceful co existence (3) achieve a formal end to the Korean War through the multilateral negotiation of a durable peace treaty, and (4) secure eventual reunification initiated by Koreans on both sides of the Korean divide and supported by international solidarity work. With God’s help this will be done through sustained education, solidarity work with partners, particularly ecumenical partners in both states of Korea, and prayerful action of love that has the power to transform enemies into friends.

Sorry that this payment tool is not working now. It will be repaired soon. If you want, you can send a check to PPNK (Presbyterian Peace Network for Korea), PO Box 3, Princeton Junction, NJ 08550 (Payable to PPNK)

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